Facing criminal charges can make you anxious and worried. The consequences of a conviction are far-reaching. With a criminal record, you could lose your custody rights, job, or driving privileges. Because a lot is at stake, you need an experienced Gloucester criminal defense attorney to help you. Here are specific reasons you should face your charges with a skilled attorney on your side:
The Fight is Not Fair
The criminal justice system is designed to convict criminals. The prosecutor and police share details and collaborate as a team when handling a criminal case even before your arrest. Taking on the system on your own puts you at a serious disadvantage. Having a reliable defense attorney on your side will level the playing field.
You Cannot Rely on Police Investigations
Police investigations are conducted to look for evidence against you. They are designed to secure convictions. Law enforcement officers are trained to get evidence that can be used in criminal prosecution. Meanwhile, your defense attorney can conduct their own investigation to look for holes in the evidence of the prosecution, inconsistencies, and gaps in proof to create a reasonable doubt.
Criminal Laws are Complicated
Unless you are a law expert yourself, you cannot know all your legal rights or when such rights are being violated. A skilled criminal defense lawyer will assert your rights and ensure an overzealous prosecutor cannot take advantage of your situation.
The Consequences of Your Decisions are Long-Term
A dependable defense lawyer can provide smart counsel to help you make strategic decisions. They can help you understand when making a plea bargain is in your best interest and negotiate a plea deal for you. In this case, you will plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge. To minimize the expense of time of trial, your case can be resolved through plea bargain agreements that the prosecutor and your attorney will negotiate. The prosecutor may offer this agreement first, then your attorney can negotiate for a better deal. If both parties cannot reach a fair plea agreement, your attorney can fight for your case in court.
Penalties are Costly
Together with potential jail time, criminal punishments can be seriously costly. You could face thousands of dollars in fines and potential expenses that involve bail and court costs. The cost of your attorney’s legal services may be less than the several costs to you, including lost income, when you are convicted.