How Does Recycling Cardboard Help The Environment

Recycling cardboard is integral to protecting the earth and promoting sustainability today. Making cardboard uses a lot of energy and resources which cuts down trees and causes smog. However recycling cardboard in Melbourne made easy by AB Recycling is a long term solution. Recycling cardboard is a crucial way to help the environment and build a better future for the community. It cuts down on trash that ends up in landfills and protects natural resources.

Environmental Impact Of Cardboard Production

Using raw materials like wood pulp to make cardboard significantly affects the world. Cutting down trees for wood pulp causes ecological loss, species drop and ecosystem problems. This process also needs a lot of water which can stress the environment and water sources in the area.

Making cardboard from brand new materials also uses more energy which emits greenhouse gasses into the air and contributes to climate change. Making cardboard also releases pollution into the air and makes trash terrible for people and the earth.

Recycling cardboard is a long term solution to these problems for the earth. By reusing cardboard Melbourne lowers the need for new materials which protects trees and species areas. AB Recycling is integral to this process because they pick up cardboard from homes, companies and factories all over Melbourne.

AB Recycling helps clean the air and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by keeping cardboard trash out of dumps and fires. Reusing cardboard uses less water and energy than making it from scratch which makes it even better for the earth.

Benefits Of Recycling Cardboard

Recycling cardboard is good for the earth and the economy in many ways. One of the main benefits is less trash going to landfills. A big part of the city’s solid trash is cardboard which takes up a lot of space in dumps. By reusing cardboard Melbourne can make landfills last longer and avoid building new ones. This lowers the health and environmental risks of putting trash in landfills.

Recycling cardboard helps protect trees and reduces water use which is excellent for protecting natural resources. Wood fibers from trees are mainly used to make cardboard. By reusing cardboard Melbourne lowers the need for new wood pulp which keeps trees from being cut down. Protecting trees helps with things like wildlife storing carbon and providing other essential services for the earth’s health.

Another essential benefit of reusing cardboard is that it saves energy. Making cardboard from recovered materials takes less energy than making it from fibers that have never been used before. This saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas pollution and helps fight climate change. AB Recycling ensures that cardboard is collected and processed quickly and efficiently in Melbourne which saves energy and helps the environment.

Positive Effects On Air And Water Quality

Recycling cardboard is vital to improving Melbourne air and water. When recovered, burning cardboard or putting it in a dump is less necessary. Both of these options can pollute the air and water. When burned cardboard releases greenhouse gases, particulate matter and harmful chemicals into the air. These things make the air dirty and contribute to climate change.

Putting cardboard in landfills can also be bad for the earth. When cardboard breaks down in dumps methane a strong greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming is released. The liquid that drains from dumps is called leachate and it can contain dangerous chemicals that pollute the groundwater and surface water.

Melbourne lessens these adverse effects on the earth by reusing cardboard instead of throwing it away in dumps or burning it. The cardboard pickup services offered by AB Recycling ensure that reusable materials don’t end up in landfills but instead go to recycling centers to be processed and used again. This change helps protect the air quality by reducing emissions from burning things and keeps water pollution to a minimum by maintaining waste leachate from polluting it.

Economic And Social Benefits

Recycling cardboard is good for the earth and Melbourne economy and society. Like those that recycle waste create recycling businesses jobs and help the economy grow. AB Recycling helps job prospects in the Melbourne recycling sector by picking up sorting, processing and moving recyclables like cardboard.

Recycling cardboard also saves money for both companies and customers. Makers and packaging companies can cut production costs by using recovered cardboard instead of new fibers. For customers reusing cardboard lowers the cost of trash disposal and encourages environmentally friendly ways of living.

AB Recycling programs in Melbourne encourage people to get involved in their communities and take care of the earth. By bringing people, companies and institutions together to participate in cardboard recycling programs AB Recycling builds community pride and a sense of duty to the environment. Through these programs people learn about the benefits of recycling making it easy to recycle and collect cardboard.


Recycling cardboard in Melbourne through programs like AB Recycling is essential for protecting the earth, keeping natural resources safe and supporting a better, more sustainable future. By participating in cardboard recycling programs and supporting efforts to improve recycling facilities and methods people and companies in Melbourne can help slow down climate change, protect wildlife and enhance the environment quality.

AB Recycling
Phone: 1300 883 449
47 Killara Rd
Campbellfield, Victoria 3109

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